Build our first Neural Network for Audio Processing

Mon 15 January 2018 by Aditya Arora

Welcome to this post which guides you through the working of a Deep Neural Network in Audio Processing. Prerequisites:

  • Up and Running with Keras
  • Implementing DNN using Keras

What is different in Audio?

A standard deep learning model passes the arrays of text or images directly to the Deep Neural Network or Convolution Neural Network and the rest is done by the model itself.

As far as Audio is concerned, we first extract features which are then passed to the model for training.

In this tutorial, you will discover how to develop a multichannel convolutional neural network for Acoustic Scene Classification the NAR dataset.

1. Understanding the Dataset

We shall be using the NAR dataset which can be downloaded from this Link to the dataset. The data are freely accessible for scientific research purposes and for non-commercial applications.

NAR is a dataset of audio recordings made with the humanoid robot Nao in real-world conditions for sound recognition benchmarking.

1.a. Audio Characteristics

There are certain parameters in audio which must be considered. These tell us about how and under what conditions were the recordings made for the dataset. The audio for the NAR Dataset has the following characteristics

  • recorded with low-quality sensors (300 Hz – 18 kHz bandpass)
  • suffering from typical fan noise from the robot’s internal hardware
  • recorded in multiple real domestic environments (no special acoustic characteristics, reverberations, the presence of multiple sound sources and unknown locations)

1.b. Dataset Characteristics

Now comes the details of the dataset files. These are important to consider as we have to convert everything in arrays and pass it on to the model.

The dataset is organized as follows:

  • Each class is represented by a folder containing all the audio files labeled with the class.
  • The name of a folder is the name of the class attached. The name of an audio file is “foldername$id.wav” where $id is an incremental identifier starting at 1.
  • Each audio file is provided in a WAV format (mono signal, 48kHz sampling rate and 16 bits per sample).
  • 42 different class for 852 sounds have been recorded and organized.
  • We shall consider four labels Kitchen, Office, Nonverbal, and Speech.

2. Dataset Manipulation

After downloading, we are going to extract it in a folder named NAR_dataset. The tree looks something like


We are going to make a file so that the directory structure changes to

Scenarios Classes
Kitchen Eating, Choking, Cuttlery, Fill a glass, Running the tap, Open/close a drawer,Move a chair, Open microwave,Close microwave, Microwave, Fridge, Toaster
Office Door Close, Open, Key, Knock, Ripped Paper, Zip, (another) Zip
Nonverbal Fingerclap, Handclap, Tongue Clic
Speech 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Hello, Left, Right, Turn, Move, Stop, Nao, Yes, No, What

2.a. Making the config file

We are now making a config file for feature extraction in which we place all the details about the dataset. We call it There is no such rule of making a config fie as everything can be placed in a single place but that creates a lot of confusion when it comes to sharing codes between multiple developers.

import os
def CreateFolder( fd ):
    if not os.path.exists(fd):

The CreateFolder comes in handy while creating multiple folders. It checks whether the folder is already present, if not it creates that folder.

from shutil import copytree
def MoveFolder(source,destination):
        print("Oops! Folder already exists...")

The MoveFolder function will be used when we want to move certain folders from one diretory to another.

dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
dir_path=dir_path.replace('\\', '/')

We define where does all the audio files reside. In our case, we have put all our files under Nar_dataset directory.

kitchen_array=['alarmfridge', 'alarmmicrowave', 'chair', 'closemicrowave', 'cuttlery', 'drawer', 'eat', 'openmicrowave', 'strugling', 'tap', 'toaster', 'water']
nonverbal_array=['fingerclap', 'handclap', 'tongue']
office_array=['doorclose', 'doorkey', 'doorknock', 'dooropen', 'paper', 'zipone', 'ziptwo']
speech_array=['eight', 'five', 'four', 'hello', 'left', 'move', 'nao', 'nine', 'no', 'one', 'right', 'seven', 'six', 'stop', 'ten', 'three', 'turn', 'two', 'what', 'yes']

We now define which folder shall be going under which Class Label. This helps in moving the folders in the defined Label.

kitchen_folder   = audio_folder + '/Kitchen'
nonverbal_folder = audio_folder + '/Nonverbal'
office_folder    = audio_folder + '/Office'
speech_folder    = audio_folder + '/Speech'

We now define the folder names for each Class Label. Remember, we have not made these folders yet. the audios is the main folder and all the audio files shall reside in the same folder.

2.b. Making the file manipulator file

We are now going to make a file manipulator file the actual moving of files shall take place. We call it

2.b.i. Moving folders under Class Labels

import glob
import config as cfg
import os
from string import digits

The glob function is used to read all files inside a specified folder. We have also imported out config file here.



We define the path of our audio files which can directly be taken from the config file. We are are making folders for our audio and all the class labels.

for f in glob.glob(cfg.orig_dataset_path):
    if g in cfg.kitchen_array:
        cfg.MoveFolder(f, cfg.kitchen_folder+'/'+g)
    elif g in cfg.nonverbal_array:
        cfg.MoveFolder(f, cfg.nonverbal_folder+'/'+g)
    elif g in cfg.office_array:
        cfg.MoveFolder(f, cfg.office_folder+'/'+g)
    elif g in cfg.speech_array:
        cfg.MoveFolder(f, cfg.speech_folder+'/'+g)

This checks where should the folder of certain audio go based in the config file and moves it.

The current directory structure looks something like:


2.b.ii. Renaming Wav Files

Great Work! We now have moved all our subfolders under the specified class labels. We are going to move and rename all our wav files so that they look something like:



def move_files():
    print 'The folder has {} subfolders'.format(len(x))
    for folder in x:
        if os.path.isdir(new_path):
            if y == []:
                print 'Empty subfolder:',folder
                for file_ in y:
                    if not os.listdir(new_path):

The function checks for non-empty subfolders and moves it. It then removes the original folder. We have to run the function two times in order to get to the root directory level.

for f in glob.glob(path+'/*'):
    if x[-4:]!='.wav':

This deletes the DS_Store files which are not required.

2.b.iii. Generating the metafile

for f in glob.glob(path+'/*'):
    res = x.translate(None, digits).split('.')[0].split('_')[0]

file1 = open("meta.txt","w") 

This fetches all the files and puts them under the meta.txt such that each file corresponds to their class labels.

3. Lets Code

3.a. Feature Extraction

In case of Audio, we flatten the data and pass it to the layers. We need to encapsulate the statistics of sound and make our model learn faster. IN our case we are using various features such as: - MEL filterbanks: Create a Filterbank matrix to combine FFT bins into Mel-frequency bins. - CQT(Constant Q Transform): THe Constant-Q-Transform (CQT) is a time-frequency representation where the frequency bins are geometrically spaced and the so called Q-factors (ratios of the center frequencies to bandwidths) of all bins are equal.The CQT essentially a wavelet transform, which means that the frequency resolution is better for low frequencies and the time resolution is better for high frequencies.[4] - LOG-MEL(Logarithm - mel): We take logarithm of the Filterbank matrix. - LOG-MFCC(Logarithm - MFCC ): A widely used metric for describing timbral characteristics based on the Mel scale. Implemented according to Huang [1], Davis [2], Grierson [3] and the librosa library.

3.a.i. CQT

#Define all features to be extracted
import config as cfg
def cqt_lib(wav_fd,fe_fd):
    names = [ na for na in os.listdir(wav_fd) if na.endswith('.wav') ]
    names = sorted(names)
    for na in names:
        path = wav_fd + '/' + na
        wav, sr=librosa.load(path,sr=44100)
        out_path = fe_fd + '/' + na[0:-4] + '.f'
        cPickle.dump( cqt, open(out_path, 'wb'), protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL )

if __name__ == "__main__":

3.b. Simple DNN Model

We are going to make a simple dnn model and pass on certain parameters which are required for the model.

#Our files
import config as cfg
import features as F
import apnahat as H

#Python modules
import time
import csv
import cPickle

#Data managing modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score

#Deep Learning Modules
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense,Dropout
from keras.layers.advanced_activations import LeakyReLU
from keras.utils import to_categorical

Whenever we work with machine learning algorithms that use a stochastic process (e.g. random numbers), it is a good idea to set the random number seed.

This is so that you can run the same code again and again and get the same result. You can initialize the random number generator with any seed you like


Each feature has a separate dimension, we are using cqt which returns features with dimension as 80.

We set the parameters initially based on the feature.

dimension1 = 80
dimension2 = dimension1*10
fe_fd = cfg.fe_cqt_fd
print "Feature",feature_text

We define all our hyperparameters. Configuring neural networks is difficult because there is no good theory on how to do it.

We must be systematic and explore different configurations and understand what is going on for a given predictive modeling problem.


We now make a separate function for using the meta file as a base for calling all the features of the audio files. This function returns a 3d array as it comes in handy when handling Convolution Neural Networks.

def GetAllData(fe_fd, csv_file, agg_num, hop):
    # read csv
    with open( csv_file, 'rb') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        lis = list(reader)

    # init list
    X3d_all = []
    y_all = []
    for li in lis:
        # load data
        [na, lb] = li[0].split('\t')
        na = na.split('/')[1][0:-4]
        path = fe_fd + '/' + na + '.f'
        #print i
            X = cPickle.load( open( path, 'rb' ) )
        except Exception as e:
            print 'Error while parsing',path
        # reshape data to (n_block, n_time, n_freq)
        if i%100==0:
            print "Files Loaded",i
        X3d = H.mat_2d_to_3d( X, agg_num, hop )
        X3d_all.append( X3d )
        y_all += [ cfg.lb_to_id[lb] ] * len( X3d )

    print 'All files loaded successfully'
    # concatenate list to array
    X3d_all = np.concatenate( X3d_all )
    y_all = np.array( y_all )

    return X3d_all, y_all

We call the function to return a 3d array of train X and 1d array of train Y. We now reshape our 3d array into 1d.

tr_X, tr_y = GetAllData( fe_fd, cfg.meta_csv, agg_num, hop )

Altering the feature arrays

We are using a single function from the hat module. We are going to make a separate model for that and call it The function takes a 2d array as input and returns a 3d array. We shall be using this to pass into our model.

import numpy as np
def mat_2d_to_3d(X, agg_num, hop):
    # pad to at least one block
    len_X, n_in = X.shape
    if (len_X < agg_num):
        X = np.concatenate((X, np.zeros((agg_num-len_X, n_in))))
    # agg 2d to 3d
    len_X = len(X)
    i1 = 0
    X3d = []
    while (i1+agg_num <= len_X):
        i1 += hop
    return np.array(X3d)

3.b.ii. The DNN Model

We are now going to make a function for our model which returns a compiled model.

def prepare_model():
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Dense(input_neurons, input_dim = dimension2, activation=act1))
    model.add(Dense(input_neurons, activation=act2))
    model.add(Dense(input_neurons, activation=act3))
    model.add(Dense(num_classes, activation=act4))
    return model

We are going to implement cross-validation. In our case, we are going to do a 10-fold cross-validation.

kf = KFold(len(tr_X),2,shuffle=True,random_state=42)
for train_indices, test_indices in kf:
    train_x = [tr_X[ii] for ii in train_indices]
    train_y = [tr_y[ii] for ii in train_indices]
    test_x  = [tr_X[ii] for ii in test_indices]
    test_y  = [tr_y[ii] for ii in test_indices]
    train_y = to_categorical(train_y,num_classes=4)
    test_y = to_categorical(test_y,num_classes=4) 

    print "All arrays loaded"

    #get compiled model
    #see the model
    print lrmodel.summary()
    #fit the model,train_y,batch_size=batchsize,epochs=epochs,verbose=1)

    #make prediction
    pred=lrmodel.predict(test_x, batch_size=32, verbose=0)

    pred = [ii.argmax()for ii in pred]
    test_y = [ii.argmax()for ii in test_y]

    print accuracy_score(pred,test_y)
    print "Unique in test_y",jj
print "Results: " + str( np.array(results).mean() )
print classification_report(np.array(test_y),pred).split('\n')

4. References

  1. X. Huang, A. Acero, and H.-W. Hon, Spoken Language Processing: A Guide to Theory, Algorithm, and System Development. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall PTR, 1st ed., 2001.
  2. S. Davis and P. Mermelstein, “Comparison of parametric representations for monosyllabic word recognition in continuously spoken sentences,” Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 28, pp. 357–366, Aug 1980.
  3. M. Grierson, “Maximilian: A cross platform c++ audio synthesis library for artists learning to program.,” in Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference, 2010.
  4. lidy2016cqt,"CQT-based convolutional neural networks for audio scene classification and domestic audio tagging," in IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2016), Budapest, Hungary, Tech. Rep, 2016.
